In the digital age not all revolutions have already happened. Breakthrough of blockchain technology essentially changes the understanding of money as a traditional payment method.

A variety of blockchain based cryptocurrencies has started to disrupt many areas from
traditional banking, all the way to online payments processing. This is where Bitcoinus come in.

The vision that has inspired us to create Bitcoinus comes from incredible dynamics of the cryptocurrency market. Ever-increasing acceptance makes them an equivalent part of global financial ecosystem.

What it means to us is that e-commerce units of any type and scale will start to adopt the blockchain based payment technologies. It will require innovative yet secure and wide reaching payments processing service providers.

Market is growing exponentially. All e-shops as well as big retailers where you currently shop are on the threshold of integrating blockchain based payment methods.

It is perfect timing for Bitcoinus to emerge and lead the evolution of crypto-payments.  We focus on real, living processes of B2B businesses which will be reinvented according to the global markets needs. This is the direction Bitcoinus has chosen and that is the way e-commerce is headed. We will make sure that spending all types of crypto-holdings is instant and secure for both individuals and businesses.


- No monthly fee
- Free sign in 
- Instant currency exchange 
- Free payouts 


  • 09.2017

  • Formation of the Team
  • 12.2017

  • Development of MVP starts Creating concept, initial wireframe of prototype and strategy
  • 01.2018

  • Start of ICO
  • 02.2018

  • Initial testing of decentralized KYC
  • 03.2018

  • Integration of internal blockchain based currency exchange solution
  • 05.2018

  • End of ICO. Tokens will be listed in exchanges in 15 days after the end of ICO.
  • 06.2018

  • Alpha version of MVP development ends. Basic functionality level reached
  • 08.2018

  • Global business development & Marketing campaign starts
  • 09.2019

  • Beta version of MVP development ends (Beta; payments with over 50 Altcoins; integration for all major e-commerce platforms; API)
  • 11, 2019

  • Implementation of card processing; additional Altcoins Q1, 2019 Fully functioning e-commerce solution (Over 100 Altcoins integrated)
  • Q4, 2019

  • In the first financial year we aim to reach $10M turnover Q4
  • Q4, 2020

  • Turnover reaches $40M (over 200 Altcoins integrated); Bitcoinus further develop the global crypto payments ecosystem
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