About altumea ICO
Altumea enables GPU owners to sell extra computing power to those who need to make large-scale calculations: artists, engineers, researchers.
Buyers can buy GPU computing power straight from miners, gamers, and regular GPU owners with cryptocurrencies. Altumea gives users access to the almost limitless computing power held by millions of GPU owners.
Altumea enables GPU owners to sell extra computing power to those who need to make large-scale calculations: artists, engineers, researchers.
The platform allows buyers to purchase GPU computing power from miners, gamers, and regular GPU owners with cryptocurrencies.
The computing power pricing is driven by the community and open market movements.
The plaform functions on the Ethereum blockhain and utilizes smart contracts, which are able to act as an escrow mechanism, manage agreements between users, provide utility to other contracts and store user data, such as identity information or reputation.
After the ICO, Altumea intends to implement a range of features on the platform, including CUDA calculation, market protocol, blockchain integration and prototype testing.
altumea ICO Roadmap
- Team building
Seed round completed. Work started
- Token Sale Campaign
Distributed CUDA calculation prototype
Distributed data transfer processing
Market protocol, blockchain integration prototype and test
- Computation consensus validation system
Blockchain based reputation ledger prototype
Alpha launch
Distributed OpenCL calculation prototype, deep learning tools
- Reputation ledger and market protocol actualization and beta launch
Advanced node protocol actualization and beta launch
DApps integration use cases
Release launch