About Kinguin

Kinguin is creating this new gaming ecosystem by transforming its platform to a completely decentralized model. This newly devised marketplace derives its power from its blockchain foundation and smart contract architecture. Gamers everywhere will enjoy a marketplace made transparent, autonomous, and above all, open by blockchain technology.

Game publishers and communities will no longer be forced to rely on third-party platforms to process virtual goods transactions. Gamers who previously encountered slowness, opaque fund flow, and high transaction fees will find a better alternative in Kinguin.io -- an open marketplace. Krowns, our native blockchain-based cryptocurrency, streamlines the buying and selling of virtual products and scores of other related problems.

Blockchain technology changes the concepts of ownership for game-related digital assets. Through smart contracts and reward mechanisms, Gamers can control and access game-related transactions at unprecedented levels. New revenue streams form because new capabilities like the immutable store of ownership make them possible. To that end, we are forming a trustless (requiring no trust because documentation is for every transaction readily available and cryptographically verifiable) peer-to-peer network on a truly global scale.

We believe that the Kinguin blockchain approach can fundamentally transform the entire gaming ecosystem, allowing more new Gamers to enter while allowing experienced Gamers to profit from their expertise. This model is proven to work in most traditional sports. Professionals introduce people to the idea of the sport, then used equipment makes sports more affordable so that new people begin to play. And as more people get involved, the market for coaches and experts grows. Similarly, the audience for watching professional Gamers increases with more players, creating a continually expanding ecosystem. In this model, we will see how Esports professionals, gaming streamers, and content providers grow with their audiences.

In the United States, this exact model played out for women’s soccer (football). Entertaining professionals made people want to watch. Then inexpensive gear made it possible for more young people to play. As these players got more involved in the sport, they hired coaches to help them improve rapidly. And finally, they wanted to watch the professionals play both in person and on TV, a process which culminated in three World Cup victories for the country and an elevated level of play and viewership worldwide.


Kinguin aims to serve as a decentralized marketplace for digital games, items, and services. This new marketplace enables global, player-to-player trade at the highest levels, empowered by blockchain and smart contracts.
The ability for Gamers to own games, own in-game assets, and then trade them safely and securely using micro-transactions are key factors in the continued growth of the gaming industry. Given that Gamers, and Kinguin customers in particular, as used to conducting business through digital micro-transactions, introducing blockchain and smart contracts will feel perfectly natural.

Technical Info

Following the Pre-ICO Round, the Kinguin.io ICO will take place. 30 million KRS tokens will be for sale. Part of it will be sold for a fixed value with the rest being sold according to the market rate depending on the size of the monetary contribution in each period. Therefore, we do not have a hard cap for our entire token sale. As we are an established company with positive cash flow and roughly $100 million USD in revenue in the previous year.We also do not have a soft cap. The Pre-Token sale is referred to as Round 0 with the Main sale labelled as Round 1. Round 2 to Round 41 are the subsequent token sale. Each round between Round 2 and Round 41 will last 1 week (7 days). Additional tokens leftover from the Pre-Token Sale and Main Sale will distributed in the later rounds.

Kinguin Roadmap

  • June 15, 2018

  • Use case demo #1.
  • September 15, 2018

  • Use case demo #2.
  • Q4, 2018

  • Use case demo #3.
  • Q1, 2019

  • Use case demo #4.
  • Q2-Q3, 2019

  • Test-Net beta.
  • Q4, 2019

  • MAIN-NET beta.
  • Q2, 2019

  • MAIN-NET LIVE 1.0.0
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