About Presearch

Presearch is a community-powered, decentralized search engine that provides better results while protecting your privacy and rewarding you when you search.

We believe that the best way to compete with the massive, centralized and monopolistic corporation that currently dominates search is to build a framework that enables people from all over the world to collaborate to build an open and decentralized search engine.

We believe that the world deserves a community-driven, grassroots, decentralized search engine that’s built by and for the community it serves.

This search engine should reward those who contribute to its success, and leverage blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to align the interests of all of its stakeholders.

By becoming increasingly accountable and transparent, Presearch will earn the trust of its community, attracting many of the best and brightest to the project in the process.

This group of people, from all over the world, from all walks of life, with different faces and voices and beliefs and visions for the future, will find ways to collaborate together to create new and valuable ways to access information online.

These people will uncover methods of cycling value through the communities they support, using technologies they trust, generating wealth, preserving privacy and building freedom in the process.

Presearch Roadmap

  • June 9th

  • Pre-announcement
  • July 25th

  • Early adopter sale begins
  • August 25th

  • Early adopter sale ends
  • September

  • Issuance of tokens