About FairWin

Today’s gaming market suffers from the crisis of trust between the players and the game organizers. As you are aware of, the organizers of casino games and sports betting resort to manipulating the winnings in order to maximize their profits. The cases of outright refusal to pay out the winnings have become a frequent occurrence.

  • We offer a fundamentally different gaming platform where the game logic and the amounts of both wagers and wins will be publicly available and the payment of winnings will be automated and will not depend on the organizers
  • Our platform will prohibit game organizers from both understating payments and manipulating winnings. This idea will be implemented by publishing the entire game process on the Ethereum network
  • As of now, no single gaming system in the world can guarantee the fairness of winnings. The technology that ensures the fairness of payments to players will no doubt be in demand


1. HTML5/WebGL games. The gaming platform is capable of runningon any device and in any browser1. HTML5/WebGL games. The gaming platform is capable of runningon any device and in any browser
2. Honesty is guaranteed. Each game outcome will be generatedusing Random Number Generator (RNG), based on atmospheric noise (random.org). The math tested over many years with the guarantee of Return to Player rate (RTP)
3. The sequence of the game moves will be signed with a unique key and checked by both the client and the server, which will guarantee the security of the game session. The possibility of influencing it from the outside will be out of the question
4. Thanks to the FairChannel technology game turns are up to 10 times less expensive than those on other platforms (gas cost)
5. The platform provides support for 3D game
6. A fully decentralized technology upon the platform’s release

7. It functions on the FWIN base - the token of the FairWin platform
8. An open platform architecture convenient for developers

FairWin Roadmap

  • 2018 January

  • Preparation of a smart contract for ICO
  • May - ICO launch

  • 10 games in total.
  • August 2018

  • Platform alpha release
  • October 2018

  • 8 games on the platform
  • December 2018

  • ICO start
  • 2018 February

  • ICO end
  • March 2019

  • 24 games on the blockchain platform
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