About Genuine Way

Genuine is the first blockchain-based tracing and certification ecosystem for artisanal food products. It aims at certifying the origin of artisanal food products by tracing their origin through blockchain technology, therefore fighting forgery and boosting consumer’s trust while purchasing certified food items. Furthermore, Genuine is set to become the first decentralized quality standard for artisanal food products worldwide. Genuine will be the best available solution, specifically tailored for artisanal manufacturers around the globe, to guarantee that food products are not counterfeited and truly meet the highest production quality standards. This project will also be the first decentralized and distributed community-driven food quality certification in the world, leveraging on blockchain technology in order to avoid bias, maximize transparency, and thus disrupt the food certification industry. Genuine builds upon the result of 4 years of activity of the two main digital resellers of high-end food products in Italy, LorenzoVinci.it and Foodscovery. Therefore it brings to the market an existing ecosystem of more than 500 selected local suppliers and 1 million passionate and engaged consumers.