Rates for high-risk car insurance in Ohio

To determine the average cost of car insurance for high-risk drivers in Ohio, we used nationwide premium data from multiple carriers and estimated rates for each of the following circumstances:

  • A single speeding ticket
  • One at-fault accident
  • One DUI/OVI conviction
  • A teen driver

Keep in mind that age and driving record are not the only factors companies will consider when determining your premium. Your geographic location, vehicle type, credit score and other factors may also be taken into account. The best way to find the cheapest car insurance in Ohio for you is to compare customized quotes from a handful of the providers who may have the lowest rates for high-risk drivers.

Rates after a speeding ticket

A single speeding ticket in Ohio could result in a 17 percent increase on average to your full coverage car insurance, based on quoted annual premium data from Quadrant Information Services. Based on the carrier rates presented below, some Ohio drivers may see an increase of 20 percent or more depending on their car insurance company. Subsequent infractions typically cause an even higher increase in premiums for Ohio drivers.

Furthermore, Ohio has a points system for traffic offenses, and if you rack up enough points, you could have your license suspended. It is possible to get a speeding ticket without any points being assessed against you, but in most cases, drivers get 2–4 points on their record when charged with speeding. If you get 12 points within a two-year period, you could lose your license.

Car insurance company Ohio average annual premium for full coverage before a speeding ticket Ohio average annual premium for full coverage after a speeding ticket % increase
Allstate $2,363 $2,794 18%
American Family $1,650 $1,849 12%
American Select Insurance Company $1,369 $1,645 20%
Atlantic States Insurance Company $1,369 $1,622 18%
Celina $1,223 $1,384 13%
Central Mutual Insurance Co $952 $1,078 13%
Encompass $1,129 $1,304 16%
Erie $1,129 $1,166 3%
Esurance $2,155 $2,599 21%
Farmers $1,076 $1,401 30%
Frankenmuth $1,231 $1,518 23%
Geico $704 $871 24%
Grange $1,420 $1,491 5%
Hastings Mutual $642 $780 21%
Miami Mutual Insurance Co $1,703 $2,030 19%
Motorists $1,185 $1,348 14%
National Mutual Insurance $1,006 $1,102 10%
Nationwide $1,042 $1,241 19%
Progressive $1,209 $1,535 27%
State Farm $951 $1,103 16%
USAA $966 $1,218 26%

Rates after an accident

If you cause an accident in Ohio, you can expect a premium increase of at least 2 percent on average based on the company rates we assessed, though some carriers may issue a surcharge of 70 percent or more. A surcharge may be waived if you have first accident forgiveness on your current policy. More than one accident in the past 3-5 years (depending on your insurer’s lookback period) will likely result in an even higher premium hike. Rates may also increase even if you were not at fault, so check with your provider to learn how you might be affected in that event.

If you received a ticket for a traffic violation that caused the accident, you may receive points on your driver’s license. There are also serious financial consequences to an at-fault accident in Ohio, since the other driver can sue you for any amount your liability insurance does not cover, and if you did not have full coverage insurance at the time of the accident, you may be obligated to cover additional expenses related to damage to your own vehicle or medical expenses.

Car insurance company Ohio average annual premium for full coverage before an accident Ohio average annual premium for full coverage after an accident % increase
Allstate $2,363 $3,134 33%
American Family $1,650 $1,756 6%
American Select Insurance Company $1,369 $1,876 37%
Atlantic States Insurance Company $1,369 $2,345 71%
Auto-Owners $1,051 $1,503 43%
Celina $1,223 $1,900 55%
Encompass $1,129 $1,603 42%
Erie $1,129 $1,256 11%
Esurance $2,155 $3,328 54%
Farmers $1,076 $1,545 44%
Frankenmuth $1,231 $1,409 14%
Geico $704 $1,015 44%
Grange $1,420 $2,517 77%
Hastings Mutual $642 $656 2%
Miami Mutual Insurance Co $1,703 $2,456 44%
Motorists $1,185 $1,525 29%
National Mutual Insurance $1,006 $1,596 59%
Nationwide $1,042 $1,399 34%
Progressive $1,209 $1,936 60%
State Farm $951 $1,219 28%
USAA $966 $1,478 53%
Westfield $1,442 $1,576 9%

Rates after a DUI (OVI in Ohio)

Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs is an extremely dangerous behavior that puts the lives of others at risk, and both law enforcement in Ohio and insurance companies take this type of violation very seriously. About 30 percent of all fatal crashes involve drunk drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Insurance companies may double your rates for high-risk auto insurance; Ohio carrier data from 2022 shows an average increase of at least 15 percent for drivers with a DUI or OVI conviction on record. However, many carriers show an average increase of 50 percent or more. Keep in mind that not all insurance companies will offer coverage after a DUI, so it’s best to speak with a licensed agent to determine eligibility.

Your first offense will typically include several legal consequences, including a fine of up to $1,075, at least three days in jail or attendance at a “Driver’s Intervention Program,” up to five years of probation, and a license suspension of up to three years. You can expect higher fines and more jail time for subsequent offenses.

Car insurance company Ohio average annual premium for full coverage before a DUI Ohio average annual premium for full coverage after a DUI % increase
Allstate $2,363 $3,380 43%
American Family $1,650 $1,901 15%
American Select Insurance Company $1,369 $2,448 79%
Atlantic States Insurance Company $1,369 $6,714 390%
Auto-Owners $1,051 $2,060 96%
Celina $1,223 $3,535 189%
Central Mutual Insurance Co $952 $1,452 53%
Encompass $1,129 $5,544 391%
Erie $1,129 $1,702 51%
Esurance $2,155 $2,934 36%
Farmers $1,076 $1,485 38%
Frankenmuth $1,231 $2,240 82%
Geico $704 $1,210 72%
Grange $1,420 $2,406 69%
Hastings Mutual $642 $2,339 264%
Miami Mutual Insurance Co $1,703 $2,030 19%
Motorists $1,185 $3,465 192%
National Mutual Insurance $1,006 $2,440 143%
Nationwide $1,042 $2,012 93%
Progressive $1,209 $1,385 15%
State Farm $951 $1,405 48%
USAA $966 $1,491 54%
Westfield $1,442 $3,438 138%

Rates after adding a teen driver

Drivers aged 16 through 19 are more than three times as likely as older drivers to be involved in a fatal crash, according to the Center for Disease Control. Adding a 16-year-old driver to your family car insurance policy in Ohio may have a significant impact on your premium to compensate for the increased risk. However, some insurance companies offer lower rates to drivers in their teens than others, so it is important to shop around once your child reaches driving age. The table below shows the average annual cost of full coverage car insurance with and without a 16-year old added to their parents’ insurance policy.

Car insurance company Rate without a 16-year-old insured Rate with a 16-year-old insured
Allstate $2,363 $3,946
American Family $1,650 $3,260
American Select Insurance Company $1,369 $3,500
Atlantic States Insurance Company $1,369 $2,628
Auto-Owners $1,051 $2,710
Celina $1,223 $3,731
Central Mutual Insurance Co $952 $1,792
Encompass $1,129 $2,198
Erie $1,129 $2,468
Esurance $2,155 $2,343
Farmers $1,076 $2,055
Frankenmuth $1,231 $3,169
Geico $704 $1,494
Grange $1,420 $3,431
Hastings Mutual $642 $1,411
Miami Mutual Insurance Co $1,703 $5,604
Motorists $1,185 $3,113
National Mutual Insurance $1,006 $2,869
Nationwide $1,042 $1,626
Progressive $1,209 $1,783
State Farm $951 $2,176
USAA $966 $2,513
Westfield $1,442 $3,221

*16 year old on their parent’s policy

Who is a high-risk driver?

Bankrate defines a high-risk driver as someone with at least one speeding ticket, at-fault accident, or DUI/OVI conviction on their record, or drivers with a teen driver on their policy. Insurance companies define high-risk drivers more broadly. You might be flagged as high risk if you have:

  • Poor credit
  • One or more at-fault accidents in the last 3-5 years
  • Speeding tickets or other citations
  • A DUI/DWI/OVI conviction
  • An SR-22 or FR-22 requirement
  • A lapse in coverage
  • A sports car or luxury vehicle
  • A teen driver on your policy
  • A home address in an area with a lot of vandalism or theft

How to lower your rate if you’re a high-risk driver

  • Shop around for car insurance: Every insurance provider is going to weigh your individual information differently. You might find that your rate is expensive with one insurer and more affordable with another. Use an online comparison tool or get quotes from different car insurance companies in Ohio to see if switching providers could save you money.
  • Take a defensive driving course: Most insurance companies will give you a discount on your annual premium if you take an approved driving course. Check with your carrier to see if it offers this discount and find out which courses are approved.
  • Take advantage of safe driving and low mileage programs: Some insurance companies use telematics or app-based programs to reward drivers who exhibit safe driving behaviors or drive less frequently. You may be able to get a discount or lower insurance costs just for participating. Just make sure you understand the terms before signing up; with some insurers, your rate might actually increase if you do not drive safely.
  • Ask about your eligibility for other discounts: Many insurers have discounts for homeowners, good students and drivers who bundle multiple policies. If you are hunting for a new policy as a high-risk driver, ask for which discounts you might be eligible for when you request a quote.
  • Raise your deductible: Your deductible is a way of sharing some of the financial responsibility with your insurance company. A higher deductible means lower premiums, and vice versa. If you raise your deductible, you are responsible for a greater out-of-pocket cost if you file a claim, so make sure you can afford the higher amount before you increase the deductible. Discuss recommended deductible amounts with an agent as a minimum amount may also apply under some circumstances.
  • Lower your coverage limits: While state minimum liability limits are mandatory in Ohio, some coverages may not be as critical, depending on the age or condition of your vehicle. Although having only minimum liability coverage might cost less, getting into an accident without sufficient insurance coverage can be financially devastating. It is important to weigh the costs and benefits of your preferred coverage levels but seeking advice from your agent can help.

Frequently asked questions

    • What are the minimum car insurance requirements in Ohio?



    • Will my credit score affect my premium in Ohio?



    • How much does high-risk car insurance cost in Ohio?




Bankrate utilizes Quadrant Information Services to analyze 2023 rates for ZIP codes and carriers in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. Quoted rates are based on a 40-year-old male and female driver with a clean driving record, good credit and the following full coverage limits:

  • $100,000 bodily injury liability per person
  • $300,000 bodily injury liability per accident
  • $50,000 property damage liability per accident
  • $100,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per person
  • $300,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per accident
  • $500 collision deductible
  • $500 comprehensive deductible

To determine minimum coverage limits, Bankrate used minimum coverages that meet each state’s requirements. Our base profile drivers own a 2021 Toyota Camry, commute five days a week and drive 12,000 miles annually. These are sample rates and should only be used for comparative purposes.

High-risk drivers
Incident: Rates were calculated by evaluating our base profile with the following incidents applied: clean record (base), at-fault accident, single speeding ticket and single DUI conviction.

Age: Rates were calculated for 16-year-old drivers based on married male and female drivers insured together with a 16-year-old driver added to their policy. Age is not a contributing rating factor in Hawaii and Massachusetts due to state regulations.