I'm not going to bore you or waste your time with graphics and jargon.

I'm just going to post a couple of screenshots:




You're looking at what just one post on the front page of Reddit can do for you. Just to be clear, traffic coming straight through Reddit's mobile site shows up as direct traffic in Analytics.

This is how my service works:

Step 1. You tell me you're interested in the service and drop me a PM. In the PM you'll tell me the name of your website and your email.

Step 2. I will give you the exact payment amount in either BTC or USD, along with the payment details. The total price of this service can be seen below. Since Bitcoin fluctuates, the exact amount of BTC will vary, but Coinbase makes it very easy to buy BTC with Paypal, or a credit/debit card.

Step 3. We can decide on a page for your site together to post on Reddit. If the guarantee is offered, I have the final say on which the exact page, but chances are it will be whichever page you want.

Here is my guarantee - The post linking to your website will reach one of the top 25 positions either on the Front or Popular pages. If it does not within 7 days of you sending me the link, you will receive a partial refund. The other non-refunded portion is going to be payment for the content/posting/upvotes and you will likely have a significant spike in traffic regardless. If your site does not receive the guarantee, you will not be entitled to any refund.

Not all websites will qualify for the guarantee, I will let you know if I can offer the guarantee or if I cannot and you will get the lower price point.

For videos, the guarantee is good if it does not make the top 15 in the r/videos subreddit. If it gets to #15 or higher in that subreddit, the order will be deemed fulfilled. I do this because r/videos is extremely competitive.

If for some reason I cannot actually post the link (physically unable to do it, a link that gets ghosted does not count), you will receive a full refund.

If your site starts clickjacking, serving popups/unders, taking over browsers, giving NSFW ads, giving fake anti-virus warnings, etc., you will not be entitled to a refund.

If your website gets overwhelmed with traffic and goes down, leading to your post being removed or downtime on your end, you will not be entitled to a refund. Reddit can send serious traffic, do not use this service if you have a $5/month shared web hosting plan. Be prepared for a huge spike in traffic.

This service is for people who want to drive massive amounts of English-speaking traffic to their website. There are so many ways to get a good return on this investment that you shouldn't have to resort to shady tactics.


In general, it is a good idea to check the last few pages, or ask me directly for updated pricing.

As of right now, the price with the guarantee is $235 BTC/$250 Paypal.

Without the guarantee it is $135 BTC/$150 Paypal.

Imgur Service

I am happy to now offer an Imgur front page service in addition to Reddit.

Imgur pictures can easily garner hundreds of thousands of views, and you don't even need a resource-intensive website to benefit from it. A link from Imgur to your site should drive targeted traffic but in lower numbers than Reddit.

What's the tradeoff for fewer visitors? It works with ecommerce sites! You're driving people to your site who are interested in what you have to offer and the platform lends itself to being a good place to sell products.

The Guarantee

For Imgur, I am offering a money back guarantee if your post does not reach the top section of the front page on the desktop version of the site. This translates to the top 60 on either Viral or User Submitted images.

If you want an idea of how much traffic you can get, go take a look at the number of views that the pictures on the front page have. Keep in mind that only about 1% or less will actually go through to your site, but the plus side is that the 1% or so who do click through will be much more interested in purchasing something as opposed to a random social media visitor.


The price for this will be a flat $120.

Get in Touch!

Website - https://perfectmarketingsolution.com/
Skype - shalabh.mishra
Telegram - shalabhmishra
Email - info@perfectmarketingsolution.com