Welcome to MortgageBite.com! We are very excited to launch our website to the public and we hope that you take a few moments to explore the unique mortgage tools and information we provide. MortgageBite.com was founded by a mortgage professional and web developer who were both frustrated with the process of learning about and shopping for Mortgages online.  In 2013, they decided to design and build a tool that was superior to anything on the web.  Today we are proud to share our vision of the future with you.    

What We Are About

MortgageBite.com’s mission is to provide free information, education, and tools to mortgage consumers and to connect them with mortgage professionals.  Most mortgage-related websites either want your data or want you as a customer. MortgageBite.com is something different. We never liked the idea of filling out online forms and having your data sold to the highest bidder. We believe Mortgage consumers want transparency and control over the Mortgage shopping process. Our website lets you browse and compare Mortgage Lender offers rates and fees and browse local Loan Officers in your area. When you are ready, just click or give them a call.  For advanced features like interest rate alerts or to ask a question online just set up an account.  It is quick, easy, and FREE. 

A New Way Forward for Mortgage Consumers

We want to help you find the most reputable Mortgage Lenders and Loan Officers, and we also want to help educate you along the way.  We think our Mortgage Payment Calculator is the best on the web, and our Mortgage 101 section is a great place to get educated about the Mortgage process as a whole. We have big ideas about the future of MortgageBite.com and we would love to hear your feedback so that we can make MortgageBite even better. Our goal is to make the mortgage process transparent and consumer-friendly, without making people sign their life away to do it. We would love to hear from our users, professionals, or anyone with an interest in our dream, contact us today!