Background Story
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia, is a former gladiator of Noxus who now serves Demacia with unwavering loyalty. His story is one of redemption and transformation, as he escapes a life of bloodshed and brutality in the Noxian arena to become a noble defender of Demacian ideals. Xin Zhao’s prowess with his spear and his dedication to his adopted homeland make him a fearsome warrior on the battlefield.

Wukong, the Monkey King, hails from the mystical land of Ionia. Inspired by the tales of ancient warriors and driven by a desire to prove his worth, Wukong sought out the teachings of the Wuju martial arts under the legendary master Yi. With his magical staff and cunning tactics, Wukong combines agility, deception, and brute strength to outmaneuver and overpower his enemies.

Gameplay and Champion Role
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao is a versatile fighter primarily played as a jungler or top laner. His role is to engage in battles and disrupt the enemy team with his strong initiation and crowd control abilities. Xin Zhao excels at diving into the enemy backline, isolating key targets, and providing consistent damage throughout fights. 

Wukong is a mobile and deceptive fighter, commonly played as a top laner or jungler. His strength lies in his ability to outplay opponents with his clone, mobility, and burst damage. Wukong excels at split-pushing, skirmishing, and creating chaos in team fights with his disruptive abilities.

Patch 14.13 Performance
Xin Zhao
In patch 14.13, Xin Zhao has seen a resurgence due to adjustments that enhance his early game dueling potential and sustain in the jungle. His ability to control objectives and snowball leads makes him a formidable presence on the Rift.

Wukong remains a strong pick in patch 14.13, with his versatile kit allowing for effective play in various matchups. His ability to disrupt team fights and capitalize on enemy positioning mistakes keeps him relevant in both solo queue and competitive play.

Abilities and Skill Order
Xin Zhao
Passive determination: Basic attacks and abilities grant a stacking buff that heals Xin Zhao.
Q - Three Talon Strike: Empowers his next three basic attacks to deal bonus damage, reduce cooldowns, and knock up on the third hit.
W - Wind Becomes Lightning: A two-part skill shot that deals damage and slows enemies.
E - Audacious Charge: Dashes to a target, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
R - Crescent Guard: Sweeps his spear around, dealing damage and knocking back non-challenged enemies. Provides bonus armor and magic resistance.
Skill Order: Max Q first for damage, followed by W for poke and slow, and E for mobility. R should be taken whenever available. When you embark on your journey, mmowow items can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Passive - Stone Skin: Gains bonus armor and magic resistance for each nearby enemy champion.
Q - Crushing Blow: Empowers his next attack to deal bonus damage and reduce the target's armor.
W - Warrior Trickster: Dashes in a direction, leaving a clone that deals damage and distracts enemies.
E - Nimbus Strike: Dashes to a target and creates clones to attack nearby enemies.
R - Cyclone: Spins rapidly, knocking up and damaging enemies. Can be cast twice.
Skill Order: Max Q first for damage and armor shred, followed by E for gap closing and attack speed, and W for utility. R should be taken whenever available.

Runes and Builds
Xin Zhao
Primary Runes (Precision): Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace
Secondary Runes (Resolve): Conditioning, Revitalize

Core Items: Goredrinker, Sterak’s Gage, Guardian Angel
Situational Items: Death’s Dance, Thornmail, Randuin’s Omen

Conqueror provides sustained damage and healing.
Goredrinker synergizes with his need for sustain and burst healing.
Sterak’s Gage offers survivability and damage.
Guardian Angel ensures he can dive confidently.
Primary Runes (Precision): Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand
Secondary Runes (Domination): Sudden Impact, Ravenous Hunter

Core Items: Divine Sunderer, Black Cleaver, Guardian Angel
Situational Items: Sterak’s Gage, Maw of Malmortius, Death’s Dance

Conqueror enhances his sustained damage.
Divine Sunderer provides burst damage and healing.
Black Cleaver shreds armor for team synergy.
Guardian Angel allows for aggressive plays.
Playstyle and Strategy
Xin Zhao
Early Game:

Focus on clearing camps efficiently and securing early objectives.
Look for gank opportunities to snowball lanes.
Use E to close gaps and W to slow enemies before engaging.
Mid Game:

Participate in skirmishes and dragon fights.
Use R to disrupt enemy formations and protect carries.
Prioritize securing Rift Herald and towers.
Late Game:

Act as a frontline initiator, targeting key enemy carriers.
Utilize Q and R for crowd control in team fights.
Peel for your backline while diving enemy backline.
Early Game:

Utilize W for deceptive trades and to avoid ganks.
Focus on farming and short trades with Q and E.
Look for all-in opportunities when opponents misposition.
Mid Game:

Split push and create pressure on the map.
Join team fights with well-timed R for massive disruption.
Coordinate with the team to capitalize on enemy positioning mistakes.
Late Game:

Engage with E and follow up with R to disrupt the enemy team.
Use W to create confusion and reposition.
Split push to draw enemy attention and create openings for your team.

Team Composition and Synergy
Xin Zhao
Engage Comp: Pair with champions like Orianna, Rakan, and Malphite for strong initiation and follow-up.
Scaling Comp: Work with champions like Jinx, Azir, and Lulu for late-game scaling and protection.
Pick Comp: Combine with champions like Thresh, LeBlanc, and Ashe to capitalize on catch potential. However, when some players explore further and become familiar with a certain hero, some players will choose to buy cheap lol skins.


Strong early game pressure.
Effective duelist and initiator.
High sustain in prolonged fights.

Can be kited by mobile champions.
Falls off slightly in late-game compared to pure tanks.
Engage Comp: Pair with champions like Yasuo, Alistar, and Amumu for synergistic knock-ups and wombo combos.
Scaling Comp: Work with champions like Kai'Sa, Kassadin, and Soraka for late-game team fighting and sustain.
Skirmish Comp: Combine with champions like Zed, Elise, and Lucian for high mobility and burst potential.


High burst and sustained damage.
A strong team fights disruption.
Deceptive playstyle with clone mechanics.

Can be burst if mispositioned.
Relies on good timing for ultimate effectiveness.

Facing Annie: Strategies for Xin Zhao and Wukong
Xin Zhao
Early Game
When facing Annie in the early game, Xin Zhao must leverage his strong early dueling potential. Annie, with her burst damage and stun, can be dangerous, so you must play around her cooldowns. Focus on:

Jungle Pathing: Start by clearing your jungle camps efficiently, aiming for level 3 quickly to get your E, Q, and W.
Ganking: Look for gank opportunities in mid or bot lane where Annie might be overextending. Approach from an angle that minimizes her ability to react and stun you.
Engagement Timing: Avoid engaging when she has her stun ready. Instead, wait until she uses her Q or W, then dive in with E to close the gap, followed by Q for knock-up, and W to slow her retreat.
Mid Game
During the mid-game, Xin Zhao’s focus should shift towards controlling objectives and participating in skirmishes:

Objective Control: Secure Dragon and Rift Herald with your team. Use your R to zone out enemies during these fights.
Team Fights: In team fights, aim to dive onto the backline, targeting Annie if she’s a primary threat. Use your R to knock back other enemies, isolating Annie or another key target.
Flanking: Approach fights from unexpected angles, using the element of surprise to your advantage.
Late Game
In the late game, Xin Zhao’s role as a frontline diver becomes even more critical:

Peeling: While diving the backline is important, sometimes peeling for your ADC or mid-laner can be more effective, especially if Annie is diving them.

Engagement: Use your E to initiate, followed by R to create space and disrupt the enemy team. Focus on using Q and W to maximize your damage output.
Positioning: Maintain awareness of Annie’s positioning and cooldowns. Engage when her stun is on cooldown to minimize the threat to yourself and your team.
Early Game
Wukong’s early game against Annie involves careful play and deception:

Lane Phase: If top, focus on farming and short trades. Use your W to dodge her Q and mitigate her poke. If jungle, clear camps efficiently and look for opportunities to gank when Annie overextends.
Trades: Use your E to engage, followed by an auto attack and Q for burst damage. Immediately use W to create confusion and avoid her counter-attack.

Harassment: Constantly harass her with Q to reduce her armor, setting up for future all-ins.
Mid Game
Wukong’s mid-game revolves around split-pushing and creating pressure:

Split-Pushing: Utilize your mobility to split-push and draw Annie away from her team. Your clone can help you escape if she tries to engage.
Skirmishes: In skirmishes, use your R to knock up multiple enemies, focusing on disrupting Annie’s positioning and preventing her from using her burst effectively.

Team Fight Impact: Engage with E, then use R to maximize disruption. Follow up with W to reposition or escape if necessary.
Late Game
In the late game, Wukong’s team fight presence becomes crucial:

Engagement: Use your E to engage, immediately followed by R for maximum team disruption. Focus on knocking up and damaging as many enemies as possible, especially Annie if she’s a key damage source.
Cloning: Use your W strategically to avoid crucial CC or bait out important abilities.
Assassination: Look for opportunities to flank and take out squishy targets like Annie before she can impact the fight.

Team Fighting Strategies
Xin Zhao
Frontline Initiator: Use your E to dive into the enemy team, aiming for high-priority targets like Annie. Follow up with R to knock back her teammates and isolate her.
Zoning: Use your R to create zones of control, forcing the enemy team to reposition.
Survivability: Utilize your healing from your passive and Goredrinker to sustain in fights, and your W to slow enemies, making it easier for your team to follow up.
Flanking Maneuver: Approach fights from unexpected angles. Use your E to close the gap and immediately follow up with R to maximize crowd control.
Disruption: Focus on disrupting the enemy backline. Your R’s knock-up can prevent Annie from casting her combo effectively.
Clone Play: Use your W to create confusion and bait out key abilities from the enemy team, providing openings for your teammates.

For both Xin Zhao and Wukong, the key to success against Annie lies in understanding her strengths and weaknesses. Xin Zhao’s straightforward initiation and sustain make him a reliable frontline fighter, capable of diving and disrupting enemy formations. Wukong’s deceptive playstyle and high burst damage allow him to outplay and dismantle enemy backlines effectively.

Xin Zhao’s hands-on, aggressive approach requires precise timing and positioning, taking advantage of his healing and crowd control to dominate skirmishes and team fights. Wukong’s versatility and mobility demand a keen sense of timing and strategic positioning, using his clone to create openings and capitalize on enemy mistakes.

Mastering these champions and their interactions with opponents like Annie will significantly enhance your gameplay, providing you with the tools to dominate the Rift and lead your team to victory. I hope this guide offers valuable insights and helps you elevate your performance in League of Legends.