Managing a Shopify store often involves making changes to your site structure or URLs. Whether you're updating product pages, restructuring categories, or rebranding, ensuring a smooth transition without losing SEO value or customer traffic is crucial. This is where 301 redirects come in. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another, ensuring that visitors and search engines are directed to the correct page. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to set up Shopify 301 redirects like a pro.

Why 301 Redirects Matter

Preserve SEO Value

When you change a URL, it's essential to preserve the SEO value associated with it. A 301 redirect ensures that search engines transfer the ranking power from the old URL to the new one. Without a proper redirect, you risk losing valuable search engine rankings and traffic.

Maintain User Experience

Redirects help provide a seamless user experience. If a visitor tries to access a page that no longer exists, a 301 redirect will automatically send them to the updated or most relevant page. This prevents users from encountering frustrating 404 error pages, which can lead to increased bounce rates.

Improve Site Navigation

Redirects are also useful when reorganizing your site's structure. For instance, if you consolidate multiple product pages into one, a 301 redirect ensures that visitors are sent to the correct new page, maintaining the usability and effectiveness of your site.

How to Set Up 301 Redirects on Shopify

Step 1: Log In to Your Shopify Admin

To get started, log in to your Shopify admin panel. You can access this by navigating to your Shopify store's URL and entering your admin credentials.

Step 2: Access the Online Store Settings

Once you're logged in, go to the Online Store section on the left-hand menu and select Navigation. This area houses various settings related to your store's menus and links.

Step 3: Navigate to URL Redirects

Scroll down to the URL Redirects section. This is where you can manage and create redirects. Click on Create URL Redirect to begin setting up your new redirect.

Step 4: Enter Old and New URLs

In the Redirect from field, input the URL path of the old page you want to redirect. This should be the URL that visitors and search engines previously used. In the Redirect to field, enter the URL path of the new page where you want to send the traffic. Ensure that the URL is complete, including the domain name if necessary.

Step 5: Save Your Redirect

After entering both the old and new URLs, click Save. Your 301 redirect is now active and will immediately start directing traffic from the old URL to the new one.

Best Practices for Managing 301 Redirects

Keep Track of Redirects

Regularly review your redirects to ensure they remain relevant and functional. Utilize Shopify’s URL redirect report or third-party tools to monitor redirect performance and identify any issues.

Avoid Redirect Chains

Redirect chains occur when multiple redirects are linked together, causing a chain of redirects from the old URL to the new one. This can slow down page load times and negatively impact user experience. Aim for a direct 301 redirect whenever possible to avoid these chains.

Use Descriptive URLs

When setting up redirects, use URLs that clearly describe the content of the destination page. This practice not only improves user understanding but also helps search engines better comprehend the purpose of the redirect.

Update Internal Links

Ensure that all internal links on your site point directly to the new URLs instead of relying solely on redirects. This practice enhances site navigation and can positively impact your SEO.

Test Your Redirects

After setting up redirects, test them to ensure they work as intended. Verify that visitors are being correctly redirected to the new pages and that there are no broken links or errors.


Setting up Shopify 301 redirects is a crucial step in maintaining SEO value and providing a seamless user experience when making changes to your site. By following these steps and best practices, you can ensure that your redirects are implemented effectively, preserving your store’s traffic and rankings. Whether you’re rebranding, restructuring, or simply updating content, mastering the art of 301 redirects will help you navigate these changes like a pro.