Is your car's tech a little dated? Don't worry, you can still trick it out with the latest smart features. Just check out this useful driving assistant.

This driving assistant device keeps you productive yet safe while driving
OtoZen on a steering wheel

Make any car smarter with the OtoZen driving assistant. This smart driving assistant adds the newest safety and convenience features to any car—affordably.

Keeping up with the latest car tech isn’t easy. If your vehicle is a 2010 model or older, its tech is probably pretty limited. Well, there is something you can do about it, and the answer isn’t buying a new car: it’s OtoZen.

OtoZen in different areas of a car

Enjoy safer rides with this driving tech

Safety is probably the main reason you’d like some newer tech in your car. Luckily, this smart driving assistant has plenty of it, with features that eliminate distractions and help you connect with emergency services.

Block distractions while driving

It’s hard to focus on driving when, in your mind, every beep and buzz from your smartphone is an important email or text. The OtoZen, however, has options for blocking them while you drive. Activate them when you want it to be just you and the road.

Get high-speed alerts

Have you been described as a speed demon? Overcome the habit, and stop getting tickets, when you activate this smart driving assistant’s speed alerts.

It plays an audio warning when you surpass preset speeds. Then, after each trip, OtoZen sends you a report about your driving safety. The score also takes into account your phone usage.

Reach emergency services and contacts

Got a road emergency? Press the SOS button to reach 24/7 Emergency Services anywhere in the US, without a subscription fee.

In fact, this service connects you with the nearest 911 dispatcher and plays your call over the car’s speakers. You can also choose to have the service automatically alert friends via SMS.

Get for hands-free help from voice assistants

With OtoZen, you can also easily access Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant for help answering texts. You can even use the assistants to control your smart home gadgets remotely.

Even better, you’ll be less apt to check your phone or send a message with your hands while driving when you have these voice assistants at your disposal.

OtoZen driving assistant OtoZen on a steering wheel

Stay productive on the road

If your commute is an hour or more, it’s understandable that you like to use your time behind the wheel productively. With this smart driving tech, you can.

Get location-based reminders

OtoZen can actually send you location-based reminders. Because we’ve all driven right past the grocery store when we promised to pick up a few things. With this device, you’ll get a reminder about your task when you approach the location.

Join meetings hands-free

Yes, you can take part in phone conferences in your car. And you don’t need to press any buttons to do so. This smart driving assistant works with Teams, Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet, and GoToMeeting.

Track your miles and more

Do you need to log your miles for reimbursement? OtoZen can track your miles, locations, minutes, daily and monthly averages, and more. It then helps you plan your drives so that you avoid peak traffic hours.

Receive calendar alerts in the car

Best of all, this affordable driving assistant syncs with your calendars and can remind you about upcoming events and meetings. That way, you’ll always be on time.

OtoZen driving assistant OtoZen on a vehicle

Stay connected with your family

The people you love are bound to want to connect with you while you’re on the road. OtoZen helps you do that, safely.

Keep everyone in the loop about your trip

Your family and friends can get updates about your trip with this smart driving assistant. The device automatically sends them notifications when you leave, are nearby, or arrive.

And you don’t even have to share your location; the device does these things automatically. If you run into traffic, the app will let them know about your new arrival time. That way, no one gets worried unnecessarily.

Hear your family’s texts

When you’re a parent, you have your phone with you at all times. But with OtoZen, you don’t have to look at it to get your kids’ texts. That’s because this smart driving tech can convert their texts to audio.

OtoZen in a video

Set up this car tech in seconds

According to the company, you can use the OtoZen in any car, new or old. And, thankfully, it sets up in just seconds. Pair it with your Android or Apple phone via Bluetooth and connect to the OtoA Pods.

Use this car tech device for a variety of situations

Busy parents, new drivers, commuters, and those who want to improve their driving habits are all examples of people who will appreciate the OtoZen. With its convenience and safety features, this is a smart driving assistant that pretty much anyone will love.

You can have the latest tech in your car, even if it was born in the previous decade, with the OtoZen. This helpful gadget adds voice assistants, distraction-eliminating tech, and productivity features to any car. Drive safer and smarter with this gadget on your steering wheel.

The OtoZen driving assistant costs $99, and you can buy it on the company’s official website. Have you bought any smart tech gadgets for your car? Tell us about your experience with them in the comments.