For authors, becoming a trusted source for the media often starts with a PR campaign as part of a book marketing services agreement. Building strong media relationships relies on expertise and personality, but there are techniques to improve your chances. One of the most effective ways to become a go-to source for journalists and interviewers is to make yourself readily available. It means responding promptly to media inquiries, as journalists often work on tight deadlines. By answering emails and phone calls in a timely manner, you increase your chances of being featured in stories or interviews. 

Failing to respond promptly may result in missed opportunities and could even lead to being dropped from future call lists. Another important tactic is to be mindful of the request. When asked a question, strive to provide a complete but concise answer. It's essential to stay on topic and avoid changing the subject unless you have a point that's equally newsworthy. Additionally, following specific guidelines or directions in the request is crucial, such as providing a particular length of reply. The goal is to make it easy for your comments and quotes to be used in prominently featured news articles or stories.

Being aware of time constraints is essential when engaging with the media. Journalists often work under tight deadlines, so being available, polite and thorough is critical to saving time. Tailoring your responses to the audience is also crucial. For specialist media, you can provide more detailed information, while for general news outlets, it's best to stay more general. Flexibility is critical, as you may be asked about topics outside your book's scope. Being knowledgeable and accommodating in such situations can significantly enhance your credibility and visibility. Your goal is to be included in more news stories.

Authors can expect long-term benefits from their book publicity efforts by implementing these strategies and maintaining a consistent and professional presence. These efforts promote the book and contribute to personal marketing that can have significant value over time. Increasing your visibility can also be helpful to business. When your expertise comes through and your offer helpful information, it’s likely people may want to learn more about you and your company. It’s the wise way to maximize your book’s PR campaign to give it long-term value. Books are excellent publicity hooks with the media.