It’s important to us at Eventbrite to deliver the best experience for event organisers and attendees. As our business has grown, we’ve made some changes to meet the needs of our customers around the world: 24/7 customer support, email support in multiple languages, and much more. So it made sense that we update our legal policies to make sure that they reflect how we intend to run our growing business.

Our updated policies go into effect on October 1, 2015. You can check out the full update here, but here’s a short summary.

We made it easier to read

We know it’s tough to read a long document, much less a legal one. That’s why we decided to break up our original Terms of Service and Privacy Policy into smaller policies that are applicable to the different groups of people using Eventbrite. Our new policies include:

  • Terms of Service, which contains the main legal terms applicable to all Eventbrite users
  • Terms of Use, which outlines the basic rules about using Eventbrite’s services
  • Privacy Policy covering how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store/retain personal and non-personal information we gather from users through Eventbrite’s services
  • Cookie Policy addressing how we use cookies, pixel tags, local shared objects, web storage and other similar technologies to collect information from users through Eventbrite’s services
  • Merchant Agreement that applies only to organisers of events with paid tickets
  • Our Attendee Refund Policy Requirements that applies to organisers of events with paid tickets
  • Our Trademark & Copyright Policy that gives a simple step-by-step process that both users and non users can follow to file complaints about events or other content on our services that they believe infringe their rights
  • Our API Terms of Use that applies only to API Developers using our Application Programming Interfaces
  • Our Organiser Referral Program and Public Affiliate Marketing Program Terms, which apply only to participants in those programs

We focused on fairness and transparency

Our legal policies felt a little too one-sided for our liking.  So we’ve gone through line by line and replaced phrases like “for no reason,” “without notice,” and “in our sole discretion,” with the specific reasons why we might take a certain action.

We made them globally and locally relevant  

We have offices in 7 countries and have processed tickets in 180 countries, so there’s no doubt that we’re a global business. Our legal policies, however, needed some local love. So we’ve added specific terms for our EU and Australian users, and we’ll continue to deliver country-specific amendments as needed.  

We set basic attendee refund policy requirements

We believe it’s important to build trust with your attendees when doing business on Eventbrite. That’s why we’ve published the minimum refund policy requirements that event organisers should abide by when selling tickets and registrations to event attendees on Eventbrite. Event organisers must communicate their refund policies to event attendees and these policies must comply with applicable laws and the requirements of credit card schemes. These basic requirements also set out Eventbrite’s refund review process, and when and where Eventbrite may step in and force refunds to event attendees.

Summary of changes

If you’re interested in reading more details of what we changed, we have a summary of important changes here. We encourage you to read all of our policies in their entirety, as different changes may matter more or less to you based on your situation and use of Eventbrite. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks!