The New Year is always exciting as the 12 months ahead promise endless possibilities and future success.

However the difference between the dreamers and the success stories is their ability to translate ideas, passion and vision into something concrete. To paraphrase Thomas Edison’s famous quote: “Success is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.”

Come join is at Enterprise Nation’s StartUp 2015 where thousands of entrepreneurs and microbusinesses and will gather to learn how to turn their passion into a successful business.

We’re going to be hosting a workshop on how to use this One Page Event Plan to run spectacular events that achieve your 2015 business goals – whatever your budget.

The session will be completely interactive and everyone will leave with a strategy sheet filled out so you can concentrate on the execution when you get back to your office – helping you turn your ideas into a reality.

What kind of business goals can events be used for? Well, here are just five to get you started:

  1. Generate and close sales leads
  2. Educate your market and demand generation
  3. Customer loyalty and staff retention
  4. Content and digital marketing
  5. Product launches, PR Buzz and brand positioning

Check out this post for more details on how to use events to grow your business.

Got an ambition to start or grow your business in 2015?  Then hopefully we’ll see you at StartUp 2015!