Playing games has always been fun, but how many times did you think “It would be nice if I could earn money while playing games” during your years as a gamer? Earning from gaming has only been possible in the last decade or so, and even that required you to become a big streamer or YouTuber. Thanks to a project called SIDUS HEROES, you can now earn while playing, with no need to develop a community or grind for years before you see your first dollar.

But, how did SIDUS HEROES handle the project’s economics, and how does one earn while playing? 

Well,  the first thing to note is that the internal economic model plays a major role in the implementation and construction of the entire system, so this was really one of the first issues that the team had to figure out. The system is what allows players to interact with one another and with the project’s world, but it is the economic and financial model that makes it possible to build all the incentives for the project’s agents. Not to mention the opportunity to earn money.

So, it was vital to create the correct, high-quality integration strategy for the internal game currency that would be both profitable and fair at the same time. Also, players had to be able to earn money in an enjoyable way. The project didn’t want to make it too easy nor too difficult. It had to feel rewarding and worth doing, but also slightly challenging — something that would awaken the feeling of success in the gamer’s mind, which is already used to reaching milestones and achievements after years of playing. 

How do the tokens fit in?

Naturally, the platform has its native token that it integrated in order to run all of the game’s processes, and it plays an essential role in the system. None of the monetary rewards or leveling processes are complete without the token integration. 

So, the integration of the token was a big deal. And so the project created two — SIDUS and SENATE, with SIDUS being an in-game currency, while SENATE acts as a DAO, or governance token. These are also the only two tokens that the purchase and sale of various NFTs is possible with. Of course, players can also buy and sell land or modular parts, which is only possible through the SENATE tokens.

But, using the internal game currency allows users to buy accelerators, consumables, and similar items that will make the gameplay more productive and efficient. Everything in the game is available through NFTs, including the equipment, equipment enhancements, various parts of a ship, and alike. 

The tokens are also necessary for all plot lines and activities, especially when it comes to the political plotline. All individuals can realize their social potential and participate in the project’s development, expressing their political outlooks and getting their share of voting power that allows them to contribute to making important decisions that concern not only them, but the entire universe.

Of course, as it is often the case, the weight of their voice will depend on how many SENATE tokens they possess. And, finally, SIDUS HEROES currency is also required for all matters of payments for internal services, platform commissions, and other aspects of the project. 

Also, it is worth noting that the project has its own deflationary processes that are also in operation. They create positive pressure on the token demand, providing extra incentive for obtaining the currency and keeping it, rather than spending it.

But, the most important tokens in the game are the non-fungible ones — the NFTs themselves. They are the second most important aspect of the game, as everything can be inserted and taken out of the game, bought and sold, through NFTs. Be that a ship or a piece of clothing, a pet or a private planet — it all comes in the form of an NFT that can be bought and sold. 

NFT Heroes is the first and original collection that features 6,000 characters, with 4.500 Original NFT Heroes, 1,000 Rare Heroes, and 500 Legendary Heroes. 

SIDUS is the future of blockchain gaming

SIDUS HEROES is a very complex project, despite the fact that it seems simpler than most since it doesn’t require you to download a game app on your device in order to play. Its complexity comes from the innovativeness of its project economics, and the changes to its system, compared to other blockchain-based games.

Everything is well thought out, from the world itself, to specific roles that players can play within the game, different things that they can do, and funds that they can make along the way.  SIDUS managed to combine all the biggest trends of crypto, including DeFi and NFTs, with the ever-growing gaming industry, and not only make something new — but also raise the bar for all other projects that are seeking to develop a similar product. Best of all, it secured its own survival for at least half a century with its economics model that will continue rewarding its NFT holders for the next 50 years, while its HODLers and other supporters stand to benefit greatly from the price increase its token might see in the meantime.