Gone are those days when AI was limited to science-fiction and Hollywood movies. In the current scenario, AI has become an inseparable aspect of daily life. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are prominent examples of artificial intelligence that remain in our pockets.


Even platforms like iOS and Android mobiles are integrated with these technologies that simplify so many tasks like setting up an alarm, typing a message, opening a gallery, telling the weather, updates, etc. Without a doubt, AI has successfully embedded itself in our daily lives.


Statista reported that 70% of commerce businesses, across the US and Europe, believe that AI would aid the business sales cycle by personalizing it in 2021. Another study quotes that by the end of 2022, more than 78% of business communications will be managed using artificial intelligence.

If you’re an entrepreneur looking for AI solutions for eCommerce or associated with the industry in any manner, should pay close attention to the article. The prime points related to the benefits of artificial intelligence in the eCommerce industry are listed and described ahead.

Artificial Intelligence- A Futuristic Approach

By 2035, artificial intelligence in eCommerce is expected to upscale the profit rates by 38% across 16 different industries. The retail space is expected to ooze the benefits of artificial intelligence in eCommerce due to two impactful reasons:


  • Creating personalized shopping experiences
  • Making smart business-related decisions


Hence, many online retailers are using different forms of AI for offering a seamless customer experience while online shopping. Read on and know more about how artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the world of eCommerce.




Artificial Intelligence - What it Can Do?

Here’s a quick look at everything simplified by artificial intelligence.

Interaction with humans

  • Content generation
  • Machine learning
  • Speech recognition & synthesis
  • Gesture recognition

Understand the world

  • OCR (optical character recognition)
  • Computer vision
  • Face recognition
  • Remote sensing

Testing & deciding

  • Bandit experimentation
  • Predictive modelling
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • A/B testing
  • Expert system


  • Agents
  • Recommender system
  • Digital marketing execution
  • Robotics
  • API-bound integration

Top AI Solutions For Ecommerce

Several businesses worldwide are using AI to provide a seamless shopping experience to shoppers, comprehend leads, and generate new customers. Adding further, AI helps in the identification of patterns in unstructured data that assures a better user experience.


Here’s how AI is transforming the eCommerce realm across the world.


Improved Search Results


Not every user of an eCommerce app is great with keywords. Also, not every search result is perfect. A user should be able to find what he/she is looking for without inconvenience- but how? That’s where machine learning comes into the picture.

ML or machine learning has always been the savior in conditions where applying strict algorithms is not possible. Instead of implementing the traditional method, machine learning assesses the pattern of the search to generate the right search results for the user.


The search results are improved every time a user searches for a specific product. Amazon and eBay are the biggest examples that are utilizing machine learning to predict the data and display apt results.


Voice Search


In 2021, 17% of mobile shoppers in the United States used voice search for online shopping. These stats show a 10% increase since 2018. Amazon is one of the renowned online shopping apps that offer Alexa as a virtual shopping assistant. Users can get the search results simply by enabling Alexa.



Ali Baba’s customer care uses chatbots for resolving the queries of buyers visiting their website. By regularly updating the algorithm, the shopping assistant resolves the customers’ grievances up to 95%!



Seamless Automation


The prime goal of integrating automation is to accomplish the task with the least human interaction. Scheduling bulk emails using a CRM is a prominent example of integrating AI into eCommerce.


Ecommerce tycoons like Amazon, IKEA, and others are making the best use of artificial intelligence. They automate repetitive tasks to keep the online store in action. It usually includes product recommendations, loyalty discounts, and more.


As per insights from Accenture, they integrate AI for deciphering highly complicated options for tracking customer engagement & optimizing it accordingly. As per their estimation, the machine-human collaboration can upscale the profits by 38% in 2022.


Dynamic Pricing


Setting up costs becomes confusing when there are hundreds of products. Online shopping apps use dynamic pricing that adjusts the prices of the products listed in the database. The existing inventory management, market conditions, and customer preferences can be set based on the real-time data collected in the terminals.


Social Media Accessibility


When eCommerce apps integrate AI into their functionalities, the journey for the user for finding the desired product gets simplified. Social media access to the AI enables it to produce the right search results.


Based on the user’s preferences, the company can optimize search results & improve marketing strategies for generating revenue.

Amazon, Ali Baba, APPLE, IKEA, and others have their AI shopping assistants that operate on the same module. With that being said, enabling access to the AI simplifies the virtual shopping experience for users.


Visual Search


Visual search systems powered by AI allow users to search for real-time results based on the image color, shape, and size. Users can upload the image from their device camera and view several images spontaneously.


Google is the obvious example that pops up to us whenever we talk about visual searches. Google Lens is the app that allows users to find accurate results just by pointing the camera at the object.


It can easily identify apparel, home goods, barcodes, business cards, books, event flyers, landmarks/buildings, paintings in museums, plants, and animals. Similarly, Amazon has added a browsing feature that makes online shopping bliss for users.


Detection of Cyber Fraud


With the integration of smart algorithms, detecting cyber fraud has now become easier for the eCommerce industry. Since eCommerce companies store the credentials of billions of customers, they need encrypted security that prevents a third-party invasion.


Fake reviews from bots can drag down the ratings in no time. To fight this issue, Amazon has created its in-house AI system and integrated an algorithm that tracks down all fake reviews.


The fake reviews are tracked based on the review’s characteristics. Adding further, it highlights and gives prominence to all real reviews that increase the trust of prospective buyers in the product.


Statista reports predict the upsurge in the eCommerce fraud detection revenue. In 2020, the market surpassed 28 billion USD and due to the steady pace, it can surpass 69 billion USD by 2025!

Bonus Tips To Implement AI into Ecommerce

Before jumping into the new plan, it is essential to carve out the right roadmap. Here’s a quick list of integrating AI into eCommerce rightly.


Creating a Strategy


Strategizing before integrating eCommerce AI solutions would simplify accomplishing the goal.  Brainstorm the right strategy before putting it into action. Consider the possible goals you are willing to accomplish as per the strategy.


Use Cases Relevant to Corporate Strategy


AI successful use cases sustain when they’re able to fulfill business objectives. While devising the business module, emphasize the revenue-generation opportunities with adequate data.


Create MVP Roadmap


Acquiring third-party assistance for chalking out the MVP for eCommerce AI is resourceful. The process can be executed within the time frame with a diligent team. Gradually, it can be upgraded after passing the creation and beta testing stages.

The Future of AI in E-Commerce

It wouldn’t be wrong to assert that artificial intelligence and machine learning are great apprentices that'll surely help the eCommerce industry to upscale in forthcoming years.


The business platforms can be effortlessly optimized through artificial intelligence to assure a seamless user experience.

AI technology will have a valuable impact on eCommerce businesses worldwide. As per the data stated above, the upsurge is to happen for sure. With that being said, people will have an even better online shopping experience soon.

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