Congressional Pharmacy Fly- In Alexandria, USA
Congressional Pharmacy Fly- In Alexandria, USA

Congressional Pharmacy Fly- In Alexandria, USA

17 Apr 09:00 AM to 18 Apr 06:00 AM
Public Event
Hosted By jamesanderson
The Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In, also known as the Pharmacy Advocacy and Awareness Fly-In, is an event that allows pharmacists and pharmacy professionals to engage with legislators and policymakers at the federal level. The event is typically organized by pharmacy organizations and associations to advocate for key issues impacting the pharmacy profession and patient care. During the Congressional Pharmacy Fly-In, participants have the opportunity to meet with members of Congress, congressional staff, and other policymakers to discuss legislation, regulations, and policies relevant to pharmacy practice and healthcare. Attendees can share their perspectives, provide insights on the impact of pharmacy on patient care, and advocate for changes or support for specific initiatives. The event often includes training sessions or briefings on legislative issues, effective advocacy strategies, and messaging. Participants are typically provided with key talking points and information to convey their messages effectively during their meetings with lawmakers.