Dec 2
#Qampus Virtual Job Fair/Career Expo #College #University Event#Houston, USA
2 Dec 11:00 AM to 2 Dec 02:00 PM
Public Event
Hosted By tylerwinklevoss
Attend World's Largest Virtual Job Expo / Career Fair #College #University #Houston at https://jobfair.tao.ai/pod/qampus
This Virtual Career Fair Event is Conducted on the First Friday of the Month.
Event link: https://qampus.co/wertual/jobfair
To signup:
Visit https://qampus.co/wertual/login/jobfair and complete the profile.
What to expect before #Jobfair?
1. 2-3 days before the event, Info@TAO.ai will email* Job Seekers/Recruiter that have completed their #JobFair profile about their match status and next steps.
* This email can land in your SPAM folder. Make sure to add info@tao.ai as a contact, and never miss out.
2. On the day of the event, JobSeekers and Recruiters will visit their #JobFair page to participate in #Qampus #JobFair[ Link: https://qampus.co/wertual/jobfair ].
What are the Benefits? We expect the event to:
1. Provide seamless access to local/global talent and job opportunities
2. Connect professionals with other seekers so they can collaborate and support each other
3. Provide resources to support long-lasting career growth
#Qampus #Jobs Event is conducted using #JobFair by TAO.ai, World’s largest attended career fair with around 200,000 professionals and 8000 recruiting companies. #Qampus #JobFair will target: Community fo students and academic professionals.